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Venice, Italy
Miami, Florida, USA
Seoul, Busan, Korea
New York City, USA
Sarajevo, Bosnia
Istanbul, Turkey
Tokyo, Japan

Canvas Internatinal Art Fair-Venice2023
CANVAS is an International Art Fair that will present collective and solo projects by leading and emerging international artists. The 2023 edition will represent a forum for the direct exchange of ideas and contacts between collectors, artists, photographers, designers and art professionals. The art fair features paintings, sculptures, photography, installations, video art and live performance.

Venice Inernainal Art Fair 2023-13 (1)

Venice Inernainal Art Fair 2023-16 (1)

Venice Inernainal Art Fair 2023-12 (1)

Venice Inernainal Art Fair 2023-18 (1)

Venice Inernainal Art Fair 2023-19 (1)

345 - 복사본

Venice Inernainal Art Fair 2023-25

Venice Inernainal Art Fair 2023-24
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